
Keno Tournament - Keno Fun for All

A keno tournament is a series of keno games in which players play against each other without betting their own money.

How Does a Keno Tournament Work?

Each player is given the same "amount of money" and has to bet it over a period of time, for example 30 minutes of time which may be bet within one week. The player can play for 30 minutes straight, or a few minutes each day. During that time, they play the game betting a fixed sum of money which is the same for all players. However, this is not real money, and their winnings, if any are not actually payed back to them, but they are recorded. At the end of the tournament, the players who have accumulated the largest total of winnings will receive a share in the keno tournament prize money.

Where Can I Play a Keno Tournament?

Keno tournaments can be played in both land-based and online casinos. It is a very popular game in online casinos as many online casinos do not charge an entry fee. However, they may charge a sign-up fee to play at the casino in order to receive your winnings. In land-based casinos, there is usually an entry fee. Often, the entry fees make up the prize money which will be distributed according to the specific rules posted for the keno tournament in question.

How Much Must I Bet in a Keno Tournament?

You can bet in any way you like when playing in a tournament. However, it is important to know that there is often a point-weighting system in place, in which more points/fictitious money will be awarded to the player, if a more complicated ticket is played.

Do I Get to Keep My Fictitious Winnings?

As mentioned before, you do not keep these winnings. They are simply used to keep track of who will win the tournament. If you want to keep your winnings, you will need to try your hand at a regular keno game.

Playing in keno tournaments is a good way to practice different betting techniques for the novice player.

Often, tournament games are played together with real keno games, and it is simply a matter of whether you used a tournament ticket or a regular ticket. Different casinos may use different systems for distinguishing between tournament cards and regular casino cards. For example, a different color of ticket is used, or the normal ticket is used and the tournament player records their tournament number where indicated on the card.

What if I Win the Jackpot?

You need to be prepared to "win" the jackpot and not be able to take home the jackpot money as the tournament game is fictitious. Of course, if you do win the jackpot, it is likely that you will win the tournament. If you do not feel that you can cope with seeing a jackpot win in front of you, and not actually winning it, you should think twice before playing keno tournaments, and perhaps stick to regular games.


